Selon Alex



Alexandrine is a consultant and editor specialized in beauty who aims to help people decode the ingredients' list of wellness and cosmetic products. Self-taught, passionate about thought through formulas, natural ingredients and concerned about the impact of chemicals on the health of both people and the planet, she writes insightful articles and product reviews on Instagram to share her knowledge with her readers.


Known as "Selon Alex" (literally "According to Alex") on social media, Alexandrine needed a visual identity that would reconcile her love for the science of beauty, organic and/or natural formulas, as well as her ambition to inform her readers of certain harmful components we can find in some of our most used daily products.


I created a logo merging science and nature by using the visual vocabulary of both : the molecule to symbolize the study of cosmetic formulas and the plant to display Alexandrine's commitment to promote what is good for human health and the environment. Both values stem from Alexandrine's handle in a colored circle, shaping a sort of seal of approval. Other elements of "Selon Alex's" branding include soft colors, minimalistic illustrations and pictograms as well as organic shapes.

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